Igor Balla

Contact Info
E-mail address: iballa1990atgmail.com
Office address: C516, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Botanická 554/68a, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 793 941 851

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University, hosted by Daniel Kráľ. I completed my PhD in mathematics at ETH Zürich under the guidance of Benny Sudakov. Previously, I received a masters degree from New York University and a bachelors degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

I am broadly interested in combinatorics and its connections to linear algebra. My current focus is on certain extremal problems lying at the intersection of these areas. Apart from being beautiful and interesting in their own right, these problems have connections to probability, geometry, applied mathematics, theoretical computer science, and quantum physics. Check out my research featured in Quanta magazine - A New Path to Equal-Angle Lines

Curriculum Vitae: CV


